Saber rider Saber rider, and the star sheriffs Saber rider, and the star sheriffs In the sky! Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half-shell Turtle power! Go go power rangers! Go go power rangers! Sometimes some crimes Go slipping through the cracks But these two Gumshoes Are picking up the slack There's no case too big No case too small When you need help just call Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n dale Rescue rangers Ch-ch-ch-chip 'n dale When there's danger No, no, it never fails Once they're involved Somehow whatever's wrong gets solved Spiderman, spiderman Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size Catches thieves just like flies Look out! Here comes the spiderman We are flesh and bones Gladiators, drenched in blood Waving grailquest flags Raised above our heads We are flesh and bones Gladiators, drenched in blood!