Grace Slick

Come Again Toucan

Grace Slick

Mistakes are made because words are misuderstood
It's all, all in how you talk.
Walking over somebody, sounds like a strange thing to do, but it's all, all, all, all, all in how you walk.
Seems like it might be the right thing to say at the time
And I know I'd probably say it again, if you gimme just a little taste, gimme just a little taste more wine.
I'd be flying out, flying out and wise and old, old as the whole world,
And I'd just turn around like a baby and I'd crawl, crawl right back inside...

Mistakes are made because words, words are misuderstood

It's all, it's all, all, all in how you talk.
Walking over somebody, sounds like a strange thing to do, but it's all, all, it's all in how you walk.
Well it seems like it might be the right thing to say at the time
And I know, know I'd do it again and I'd say it again, gimme just a little, gimme just a little taste more wine.
I'd be flying, flying out and wise and old, old as the whole world,
Then I'd just turn around like a baby and I'd crawl, right back inside...