It's hard to find the right words To express the way i feel How can god be called a healer When he chooses not to heal? And the questions tend to linger In the recess of my heart How can i begin to reconcile The sovereignty of god? But you remind me that my eyes Can only see the smallest part And that the glorious sunrise Can only come after the dark Chorus We will see a day When all our suffering will be redeemed Where finite faith will be replace by sight Where your glory is revealed In each relationship restored And every sickness finally healed My faith can be quite fragile Through the heartache and the pain So keep sending me your rainbows To remind me once again That although this life is broken And the earth is stained with sin You will bring a resurrection To a life that never ends So now for those of us who dwell Between redemption and the pain Would you heal our broken hearts With the hope found in your name Chorus And even though they're scarred He still holds the world in his hands So that those with broken hearts Have someone who understands The pain of separation But the joy of resurrection Chorus