Tom: C [Sing-Along Hardcore from "Between Christian Rock And A Hard Place"] I've put this the way that I think is easiest to play it, but you could play some of the chords on different strings and find it's more comfortable for you (eg. the A in the verse might be better on the 8th fret of the E string) [x=palm muted] [>=let note ring] VERSE F A D e|---------------------| |--------------------| B|---------------------| |--------------------| G|-----------22222222--| X3 then: |-77777777-55555555--| D|-33333333--22222222--| |-77777777-55555555--| A|-33333333--00000000--| |-55555555-33333333--| E|-11111111------------| |--------------------| xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx CHORUS F C A G e|--------------------|--------------------| B|--------------------|--------------------| G|----------55555555--|-22222222-----------| X2 then D|-33333333-55555555--|-22222222-55555555--| A|-33333333-33333333--|-00000000-55555555--| E|-11111111-----------|----------33333333--| F C A G e|--------------------|--------------------| B|--------------------|--------------------| X2 G|----------55555555--|-22-2>--------------| D|-33-3>----55555555--|-22-2>----55555555--| A|-33-3>----33333333--|-00-0>----55555555--| E|-11-1>--------------|----------33333333--| xx xx BRIDGE A F G e|---------------------| |---------------------| B|---------------------| |---------------------| G|-----------55555555--| X3 then: |-----------5---------| D|-7777-3333-55555555--| |-7777-3333-5---------| A|-7777-3333-33333333--| |-7777-3333-3---------| E|-5555-1111-----------| |-5555-1111-----------| xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxx This is then repeated without the muting, and the G is changed (bend up?) LAST CHORDS C C F