


I was about
To stop my searching
In my sadness marsh
In my loneliness marsh
Of wondering towards nowhere

That night
A beautiful dove
Very hard
At that time to find
And belonging
To another world
Folded her wings
And sat in front of me

I looked at her and I understood she was what lacked to me
Without conditions, without staring at my outward appearance

Fascinated for my purity, she let herself be kissed
Then that dove become a lady of chilly glass

She messed me
With her
Golden curls
She freed me
From my prison
Joining her heart
Together mine
A dream
Became reality
Free bird
Mysterious lady
Can I expect anymore?
She messed me
With her
Golden curls
She freed me
From my prison
Joining her heart
Together mine
A dream
Became reality
Free bird
Mysterious lady
Can I expect anymore?

I looked at her and I understood she was what lacked to me
Without conditions, without staring at my outward appearance

Fascinated for my purity, she let herself be kissed
Then that dove become a lady of chilly glass

The only key to open
My lonely heart
She threw it away into
The marsh

For fear, for mistrust
Of another new creature
Banishing her from
Her privileged place