


Tom: C

I looked on this site and they didn't have this tab!!!  This is an awesome 
I play it all the time and it sounds great.  Here you go:

Tabber: Greenfinger182
Publisher: MOJO Records

It starts off with acoustic guitar playing open chords and it goes like this:

INTRO: G  D  Em  C

Or, on the electic guitar, you could play it like this:


Then it goes into the verse (still playing open chords)

G             D           Em           C 
So you decided to blame him again for all your choices
G             D           Em           C
Seemed like the softer way out
G             D                 Em              C 
You think it just might make life easier to swallow will it
G            D                 Em           C
You made a fine career out of guilt

This part sounds lower than before, but it's only the bass that goes lower.
When they sing "Maybe he just did the best he could" at the end of the pre-
chorus, there is to Em chord.

G          D           Em                  C
Maybe he just did the best he could with what he had
G              D              C     
Maybe he just did the best he could 

This is all eletric guitar


And then palm mute this directly after verse:


2nd verse: same as first.  Use electric guitar, and do not use open chords.

2nd chorus: same as first.  Then directly after, this comes on. Play very
softly.  If nessacary, use only one not at a time.

Don't you know what comes around goes around
Don't you know what comes around goes around
Don't you know what comes around goes around
Don't you know what comes around goes around