Now! He hangs around I know here comes the hound With the fangs besprent of Poison! He's breaking bounds In the name of the mounds And the end is getting Closer! Rushing through woods Breaking trees, tearing roots Desecrating our Temples! He is the dog Howling out in the fog And I know he's just a Dog with scimitar! Poisonodog! Why should we all die?! Poisonodog! Why should you live?! Ground! Crumbling away Because this is the day Of the came the coming Over! Just feel the pain And the beast is unchained While the world is growing Older! Forest is dead And the fields boiling red And the rivers getting Frosen! Time is up now And you can't stop hound And I know he's steelclad Dog with skimitar! Poisonodog! Why should we all die?! Poisonodog! Why should you live?!