Bedtime, they whisk me off to sleep. Shut the light, draw the shades, Mom tucks me in the sheets. Close the door… silence… The stairway creaks, the shadows creep, The evil takes its form. Brand new world now, A stranger in my mind. Here again I need a friend They haunt me in my mind. You can’t find me I’m in The Land Beyond the Dark. It’s where they come for you. Hide your secrets deep in The Land Beyond the Dark. There’s nothing you can do. Wake, Awake from this haunted hell. Eyes, red eyes ominous and fell. Run, I run. They’ve surrounded me. Try to scream but I cannot speak. We are of your mind, Are we of mankind? In this world I’m a ruthless king. Here, I’m weak with no following. Fears and sins are now fangs and claws In the land where there are no laws. We are of your mind Are we of mankind? Running from the past, running from my thoughts, Running from the demons that would set me on my course. This twisted blurry world is a creation all my own If I would choose to leave it I would face the world alone. Cold and sweating, sensing hate. Must escape my fate. The land beyond The Dark!