Said to a father from his son Why do we light a candle for all eight nights?" Because we have a battle in our hearts" Said the father as he recalls that great time Judah the hammer had to see The glory of the temple be redeemed But the oil used for this cleansing rite There was only enough for the night! Eight days of victory, this story that we tell Is a tribute to the men who saved us from this hell The stench of pigs at the Altar of Zeus Was cleansed by this miracle which showed us all His truth A father looks towards his son with pride As he lights the candle on this first night He does so not just for himself But for all the Jews who died for his right Judah the hammer had a dream For his people to worship as they pleased As we celebrate on Hanukkah night We honor the glory of his fight! Eight days of victory, this story that we tell Is a tribute to the men who saved us from this hell The stench of pigs at the Altar of Zeus Was cleansed by this miracle which showed us all His truth The miracle that occurred at the Temple that night Was a triumph that all Jews carry with them in their lives When times become their hardest and it seems all hope is gone We remember that He will provide as our spirit carries on Eight days of victory, this story that we tell Is a tribute to the men who saved us from this hell The stench of pigs at the Altar of Zeus Was cleansed by this miracle which showed us all His truth