Where it all began cuz idont even know but the shit keeps pilingon top u dont make amends and i dont understand and you dont even know me some1s holding on to me i think i really should calm down ican feel my adenalin running trough my veins and blood sometimesyou can lose control and they dont understand they take you for aride then they wanna hold your hand u fought u screamed and they dont evenknow what you have in store u hear all the shit and u dont fu**ingcare u just have to ignore where it all began cause i dont even knowbut the shit keeps piling on top u dont make amens and i dontunderstand and u dont even really know me some1s holding on to me i think i really should calmdown i can feel my adrenalin running through my veins and bloodsometimes you can lose control and they dont understand they take u for a ride and then they wanna hold your hand