Vain presence rejoiced, procreate the skill of deception Enter the shell of flesh, cast from the soil of the cursed Immoral rise, exiled to the dark heart of this maze Praise this blood, wield the knife of the slain Despair if they fail Feeding on their own Holding on to past desire Great lord of death, framework of this reverence Morbid appeal, descend into unnatural realms Glorify the sick, forged by this imperfect touch Sons of hell, praise the order of chaos Stripped of these wings On a column of fire Hollowed of this hope Tomb of black, prison of this fate Rotting soul, engorge in unrest Altered state, emerge as the snake Drowning teeth, into bloodied flesh This revenge, on the breath of hungry wolves Death awaits, entrance into the vault of heaven This pouring hatred, from the wrist of God's dream Burning madness, pandemonium breaks free Witching hour always strikes Feel the bite of cold emotion Self absorbed isolation Grinding fangs, dripping with deceit Urge to kill, tragedy of life Wrath and rage, anger will consume Bound by fire, enter into hell