Imperfection inherent This disorder in creation of life Within this endless reign Vision of lost words rise Black god to raise hate in veins of the apocalypse Holocaust of this testament in perceived idea of doom The left hand of darkness shall bring this final redemption Conspiracy in the offerings shall ring in horns of requiem The principle power of deception in tainting the idols blood Held in this testimony for the opening of revelation Unleash the revenge Bound in the inverted rites Raise the great wargate in promise of the fallen ones Adorned in rank through dark incantations, marching forth Disfigure in abstract reason Embrace the blind god Suspension of this balance will break and fall Be the sword of evil in dissecting of this praise of mercy Monumental torture within the halls of the cleansed Perverse in this exploration of a medium absorbed in fear This lifeless blasphemy will assume the form of wrath Desecration An arousing repulsion to this spirited resistance This desolate becoming Supremacy In attaining this oblivion This force of hell Great heavens will burn Bastard in praise with tainted thought Creation in death Bound in nails Great crown of razors This truth bathed in lies Fascination of the compelling terror that lies within dark hearts Warning of the coming horsemen These revelations will bring sacrifice Descending Chained under the earth The judgment of rebirth Arise from flame and blood Revolt of descent Rebellion in swarms Dying forgiveness for unanswered prayers