Soloist: He that dwelleth in the secret place Of the most high God Shall abide in His grace And he that walketh through the valley of death Shall in no wise be entangled by God's hand He shall be kept If I go into the heavens He knows If I go into the deepest depths He knows So no matter what may come my way I'm covered by His blood Even when satan seems to rage From His hand I'm hidden safe I'm in His safety Dwell in His safety The safety of the Lord Nothing can stop me Nor can you block me Why because I'm in the safety of the Lord Choir: (unison)I'm in His (parts)safety Dwell in His safety The safety of the Lord I'm in His safety Dwell in His safety The safety of the Lord He is the captain of my soul He is my fortress from all wrong When the storms of life Begin to rage in my life I run into the master's arm I'm in His safety (Repeat as directed) End: I'm in His safety Dwell in His safety The safety of the Lord(Repeat as directed)