Glory Fate

The Worst Curse Of Men

Glory Fate

Life has been bringing all curses for mankind
Plagues, diseases and some pacifiers – they are looking for why
The sun lifts up and down on bad and pure heart one
The clash around the world and barbarity without reason

Commanding the rules of the society
You’ve convinced by right, justice and authority
And you die

The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
We don’t see them at all

In the name of a god, religions fight unnecessarily
The men know well this tragedy – most conflicts are ongoing
They bring the evil of humanity
They fight and fight to live in peace and let the world in pieces

Commanding the rules of the society
Control their minds and destroy you and me
All die

The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
The worst curse of men
We don’t see them at all