Theme of The Glorious Janitors Resurrected from the dead, never before so alive Placed here on earth to drive you insane We will get into your head, by now it's much too late We'll infiltrate your head and infiltrate your brain We're the Glorious Janitors The pompous magnanimous janitors Release the hounds! Lock up your daughters! We're coming through like rushing water The Glorious Janitors The stupendous fabulous Janitors Music is our only goal We're here to save Rock and Roll! Watch John pound the drums, see Loran strum strum strum A wall of sound shall assault your ears Hear Jordan thumping that bass, Brent will kick you in the face When we let loose you'd better keep clear We're the Glorious Janitors The pompous magnanimous janitors Release the hounds! Lock up your daughters! We're coming through like rushing water The Glorious Janitors The stupendous fabulous Janitors Music is our only goal We're here to save Rock and Roll!