I was dreaming when i saw her entering from mist, Or so i thought She was pure, like wolf at night Cold as fire, innocent like sword And she said to me: seal not the words Of the prophecy of this vision For your fate is at hand Blessed are they who wash their robes in blood When i had seen her, i fell at her feet as dead And she laid her hand upon me, saying: Fear not i am the first and the last. I was dead, But i am alive And behold i am living for ever and ever And have the keys of death and of hell She showed me the truth And behold a white horse, he that sat on him had a bow, There was a crown given to him, and he went forth Conquering what he might conquer And there went out another horse that was red And to him that sat there, It was given that he should take peace from the earth, That they should kill each other And a great sword Was given to him To punish them For their blasphemy Against the horned one The great beast of revelation I was dreaming when i saw her entering from mist, Or so i thought She was pure, like wolf at night Cold as fire, innocent like sword