
Artificial Gallery


Following an erring light 
to the halls of my spirit. 
the art created by the life 
is in empty frames without visions 

Empty books, full of questions 
Cover the ornamented floor. 
this realm is my deepest inner 
the artefact that is me! 

each step another picture 
telling me who I am 
all my sins, my secret wishes 
lie herein inscribed in endless words 

long forgotten, hidden moments, 
feelings from long ago 
happened to me as I breathed 
overcome my thoughts - my soul 

the last door opens silently 
a dark chamber quite ahead 
only one frame ornaments the wall 
showing me that I'm dead. 

The Artefact that is me 
Become a vanished part 
in the labyrinth 
of the gallery. 

The Artefact that is me 
A part of life's ceremony.