Hello. Hello? Hello. Hello? Who's calling? Calling a wrong number, right? What's wrong? What's wrong with you? egao o sagashi ni machi he dete nagare komu RIZUMU ni notte shinzou ga ugoku ugoku ugoku kono iradatsu chi mo iki ba o ushinatte KIREI na iro ni mieru kedo ne akari ha watashi no kokoro ootteku Pink no kaori ni muragaru honnou sonna iki mono da nante waratteru Sorry, I can't understand Japanese She's biting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding her light Hiding her face She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her mind I want to know...! Why you're so alone What's the matter with you? What's wrong? What's wrong with you? sore o yorokobi ayatsuru bonnou ni nari sagari taku ha nai kara ugoku ugoku doko ka magatta yokubou o ima mo naomaneta uh love love love jibun ni yoishire toke au futari ni nokoru shizuku ha onore no kao ni kakaru dake usuppera na mitasare kata warai au takanaru koe ni watashi ha mimi o fusagu ase o nagasu koto namida o nagasu koto nani no tame da kawa kara naku natteru yo mada ni nande kawa karanai Sorry, I'm busy She's biting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding her light Hiding her face She's hurting her nails She's biting her nails Hiding in silence for who? She's hiding the air She's hiding her face She's hiding the space She'd hiding her face She's biting her nails She's still biting nails She's still biting nails in her room I heard my phone ring Pick up the phone & think Who can it be at this time? Who can call me on this line? I wanna hear your story I wanna hear your story I wanna hear your story True and clear kuuki no warui sono basho de kawasu futari no kotoba no tsumi ha onore no kokoro ni tsutsumareteku dake kudake kudake chitteiku yo She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding the earth She's hurting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding her mind She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding her face She's hiding her mind She's biting her nails She's biting her nails She's hiding the space over who? I can't help you gone gone gone I'm worried about her... but I can't help you