Glen Campbell

The Lords Prayer

Glen Campbell

Tom: Bm

Intro   D

    A      D              G   A  Bm
Our Father   which art in Heaven
            Em F#m     D    Bm
Hallowed it be     thy name
            F#m  Bm      Em   Bm F#
Thy Kingdom come     Thy Will be done
G              D  G  A   D   G
On Earth as it is in Heaven
     F#m A    D   G
Give us  this day
    A  F#m D
Our Daily  bread
    Bm             C#
And forgive us our debts
   Fm             F#m Bm  A
As we forgive our
    D                    Em
And lead us not into temptation
    C#m             Em  A
But deliver us from evil
    D            G
For thine is the Kingdom
And the Power
    E7  F#m7 F7  E     D  F#m D Bm F#m7 Em   
And the Gl.o.r.y f.o.r.e....v...e.r....
A A7 D   Bm  Gm  D 
Amen...      A...m.e.n