Time’s come now at last Let all that’s passed be past You’ve been wandering, lost in a dream Only a dream I’ll watch over you I’ll always watch over you Down that winding lane I stand Near the sun kissed fields of home There’s hope and there is joy There’s love for the soldier-boy All he has to do is let it go Turn around and come home The shadows come and gone Rise now and greet the dawn Let the memories of sorrow and fear Fall away There’s hope and there is joy There’s love for the soldier-boy All he has to do is let it go Turn around and come home There's a girl who’s waiting just for you But you can’t bring the darkness with you Let it go, just leave it all behind Oh, the rushing streams and skies of blue Oh, the fields of summer call to you Oh, the rushing streams and skies of blue There are scars Some heal, some don’t And people stare but that can’t bring you down And somedays you’ll be laughing and other times you won’t But either way the sun’s still shining I hear distant drums Rumors of war yet to come Come back to me, get some rest while you can And smile, smile again There’s hope and there’s joy There’s love for the soldier-boy All he has to do is let it go Turn around and come home I’m staying right here where I am I’m never gonna leave Please my love, forget I ever lived I’m dead Dead and gone