
On The Air


Tom: Em

Would you order on demand
From the disembodied hand
G                             C
From the moving lights up in the sky?
'Cause there was a time you know
When I had my own live show
G                           C
It was improvised for the camera's eye
   E                   A
It was made up in the ring
 D             G   
Back when Bob Hope was king
C                D
Back when every choice felt right
Back when life was black and white

            G            C
Now there's one thing I regret
      G              D
How I wish I didn't care
      G              C
How I wish I could forget
             G               D                G    C  D  C  D
That I was someone then when we were on the air

It was June of '55
I walked out when we were live
G                                   C
Cause I knew I was made for bigger screens than just
G                          G
That small time comedy, just a half hour parody
G                        C
It was cinema marquees for me or bust
   E                A  
We were heroes with a plan
    D             G
Back before the laughs were canned
 C                 D
Back before the double bed
When the carpets all were red

           G            C
Now there's one thing I regret
      G              D
How I wish I didn't care
      G              C
How I wish I could forget
             G               D                G    Bm  C  D
That I was someone then when we were on the air

Maybe at the traffic light
When I see that big white sign
G                    C
Just by chance in my rear-view mirror
Well I don't know what it means
But I know it's not the screen
G                                C
It's my own routine and I'm the antihero
E                  A         D                G
But I used to be number one back before the reruns
C                  D
Back when every choice felt right
Back when life was black and white

G            C
Now there's one thing I regret
      G              D
How I wish I didn't care
      G              C
How I wish I could forget
             G               D                G    C
That I was someone then when we were on the air
            G                D          G        C
I was someone then when we were on the air
           G               D            G      Bm  C  D
I was someone then when we were on the air