Be careful what you do now Be careful what they know They're watching every movement Every place and where you go You're under their surveillance Be sure to toe the line In the name of your security The innocent stand trial Playing I Spy in the sky Big brother's up above They've got you in their sights Escape the private eyes that pry If you've not done wrong yet There's nothing there the fear We sleepwalk into darkness As freedoms disappear Their criminal intentions Will put the blame on you No crime has been committed But they watch in case you do Playing I Spy in the sky Big brother's up above They've got you in their sights Escape the private eyes that pry Playing I Spy in the sky Big brother's up above They've got you in their sights Escape the private eyes that pry Playing I Spy in the sky Big brother's up above They've got you in their sights Escape the private eyes that pry