In the depths of time, a story unfolds Where moments paint an image, a tale to be told A universe of existence, where wonders begin a fold How a nation of espirit in mundane begin, your done In this vast expanse, where possibilities reside For the Imagine mark oblivius I.M. o have an exercise Finally have averse of this moment alright Type a constance situation now all be fine Flourishing within you, like stars in the night Do you have a I.M.O in your body to mind With every heartbeat, history's sorted streams A tapestry of dreams, woven with vibrant gleams Where creative souls wander, uncharted and grown With each passing second light dissipair love A symphony of thoughts, creating land or world In the shynphony abstract coliding a vibrant hold In this vast expanse, where possibilities reside For the Imagine Mark Oblivius I.M.O have an exercise Finally have averse of this moment alright Type a constance situation now all be fine Flourishing within you, like stars in the night Do you have a I.M.O in your body to mind With every heartbeat, history's sorted streams A tapestry of dreams, woven with vibrant gleams