"Mr. TOMORROW" (Gibbs/Hurley) You draw a deep breath in, But it comes out a sigh Always worried about some other someone's how or why You let the morning in, But then it slipped away Are you gonna lose another moment ? not today Mr. Tomorrow - not today Mr. Tomorrow - anyway No need to borrow from tomorrow with today You catch a subtle breeze, But stop and fix your hair Always worried that someone will notice that you care You take a step for free, But turn around and pay Are you gonna walk right past the present ? not today Mr. Tomorrow - not today Mr. Tomorrow - anyway No need to borrow from tomorrow with today Today is the day when your feet are on the ground Your heart's in the air and you're spinning all around Everything has light and space Everyone has time and place Just let the evening in, Before it fades away Are you gonna waste another moment ? not today Mr. Tomorrow - not today Mr. Tomorrow - anyway Mr. Tomorrow - not today No need to borrow from tomorrow or the past's triumphs and sorrow Look around Mr. Tomorrow at today