Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye Ay-ye What? I didn't hear a single word of that What The fuck you mean why aren't you coming back? Who Would tell you such a stupid thing? 608 been hiding preparing for all my dreams, aye What The fuck you mean by quality I lack? What You tryna say I'm never coming back? Who Would tell you such a stupid thing? 608 been hiding preparing for all my dreams, aye What's the point in tryna give an explanation? I'm not going down that route, a criminal investigation See I'm not dead Blood red Preparing for bloodshed Get your own act together Before you lose your head, aye I switch off It gets too much at times I see the end, I reach out for it like I've seen the light I feel braindead But I've learned my lines So when you ask me stupid questions I can save time Shut the fuck up I'm getting bored of this The more you interrogate me The more I'm getting pissed If I answer Consider yourself lucky 'Cause now my ears are blocked And I can't hear a thing What? I didn't hear a single word of that What The fuck you mean why aren't you coming back? Would tell you such a stupid thing? 608 been hiding preparing for all my dreams, aye What The fuck you mean by quality I lack? What You tryna say I'm never coming back? Who Would tell you such a stupid thing? 608 been hiding preparing for all my dreams, aye