This mortal flesh will honour no grave My final rest is not six feet under Eliminate me from this filthy surface The haven for the act of betray Only in flames I can be Released from the earthly decay I demand a complete destruction Leaving just nothing but ashes behind Burn me like the kings Purify my flesh The flames will set me free Burn me Erase every trace of me And send me away from thee No tomb shall bear my name As one of the fallen I will not rot in your soil My blood must boil Cleanse this body of mine Filled with sin and disease Feed the flame with my remains Scatter the ashes Burn me like the kings Purify my flesh The flames will set me free Burn me Purify my flesh And bring me to the pyre Burn me like the kings Purify my flesh The flames will set me free Burn me Purify my flesh And burn me Burn me like the kings