Julia, the next time you look at your sister
I want you to remember how the Sun shines from her eyes
Julia, the next time I begin to miss her
I sure hope she has your help to make it out alive

Sometimes you lose the good because the pain is so much worse
And there is nothing I can offer to give you in return
But please, when I'm away
Julia, make sure she doesn't hurt

Julia, notice how I haven't been in sight
Out the door, I had to find my way out of her life
Julia, notice how I couldn't pick a fight
And how there's no more laughing in late hours of the night

Sometimes you lose the good because the pain is so much worse
And there is nothing I can offer to give you in return
But please, when I'm away
Julia, make sure she doesn't hurt

Julia, she wants to be just like you are
Remind her to be gentle in order to be smart

Ah-ah, ah
Ah-ah, ah
Ah-ah, ah

Julia, did you notice I haven't been in sight?
I had to find a way to get out of her life and
Tears of everything streaming down from my eyes
Everytime I think I had to leave her behind

Julia, did you notice I haven't been in sight?
I had to find a way to get out of her life and
Tears of everything streaming down from my eyes but
Everytime I think, I know I had to be kind

Julia, I hope she gets to make you proud
I hope the feeling lingers from the time I was around
Julia, I hope to see you in the crowd
Screaming both your lungs out, so loud I'll hear the sound
Hear the sound