Do you ever close your eyes Breathe in and out a few times and think - oh my I wish I could go back to paradise! And then All of a sudden, your dearest memories pop up in your head Like an open invitation; a free ticket to emotion-land Think of your happiest moments Remember the tiniest details Where were you? Who were you with? Was the sky blue as you watched the clouds Pass by or was it black as you counted the stars of that night? Were you expecting it to happen? You remember crystal clearly the night You met your best friend and the day You watched your favorite movie in class The way your friends sang you happy birthday The fond caress in your hair as you read The dance moves you invented at some band's Concert and that time you changed your yellow All stars for ones that were red and How you miss that How you wish you could go back in time and live that again Even though you know that that's the fun thing about memories They happen once and you can't force them to happen again Once a moment is over, it's past. It's unreachable now Except in your mind, somehow Still, you wanted to immortalize them in an unbreakable snow globe To have and to hold everlastingly But look! The Sun's up already and I'd recommend you to wake up Dress up, put a lot of coffee in your cup and live Have a picnic in the park, taste a new kind of tea Try everything you are so afraid of Find your comfort zone and get out of it But know when to come back Don't hurry Go as you please You know, the most beautiful things are quietly waiting for you