My face I don't mind it I'm standin' behind it It hangs down in front by my hair It studies the cards all the aces and spades But it don't have the call which they air I've taught it to smile and to wrinkle it's nose And to hang out it's lip when it's sad I've taught it to yawn and to laugh and to snarle And to froth at the mouth when it's mad My face I don't mind it I live here behind it Quite tightly it 's wedged tween my ears It acts like the wall over which lies the world So they can't read my hopes and my fears In front of my chin past the sights and the smells And the songs and the sounds of the horn Of the traffic and blarin' and the honkin' and swearin' Of time since the day I was born [ guitar ] My face if you find it I'm back here behind it It's only a mask for the soul It don't have no lines you can follow as such For it's only a part not the whole While you could be a talkin' or starlin' or coughin' Or holdin' your head while you weep In back of my face I could watch your be singin' Or sometimes I might be asleep