George Hamilton IV

Ain't Life Easy

George Hamilton IV

Woke up in a trainyard just outside of town
From a dream that left tears clingin' to my eyes
Funny how you just can't sleep on a cold wet ground
Or eat cold beans when you're used to apple pie

Then I got me up and I stretched my bones
Preparation for a long weary road
But just before I had me the chance to walk away
A voice from a boxcar door called out to say

Ain't life easy (ain't life easy)
When you got no where to go (no where to go)
Got nothin' to do lucky you ain't life easy for you

Fifty miles from Tulsa Lord I stopped to rest
Layed my bags on the side of the road
Watched a sparrow gathering twigs to build him a nest 
Suddenly I wished I had his load

But just before I had me the chance to get back on my feet
A man in a passin' car called out to me
And when I told him I just wadn't headed nowhere
He looked up and me and I heard him say

Ain't life easy (ain't life easy)...

Miles away from no where night was a coming down
So I stopped to lay me down to sleep
Never knowing silence was such a lonely sound
In the background of such a happy memory

But laying there asleep it just would not come
And when I got up and saw the risin' sun
I did nothing but to stretched my tired old bones
In preparation for a long weary road

Ain't life easy (ain't life easy)...