George Hamilton IV

Write Me a Picture

George Hamilton IV

Write me a picture of the things we used to do
When we were together way back when
Write me a picture of the way you have your hair now
I'll live with that till I get home again
Well write me a picture of the visions in yur mind
Tell me that it's me you're thinking of
Make it so descriptive that your thoughts will then be mine
Write me a picture of your love
What I mean is write to me a letter and describe to me
What you're doing what you're thinking what you're feeling too
Then I'll read between the lines and form the pictures in my mind
To live with them till I get home to you
A word from you is worth a thousand pictures of your love
So write me a picture of your love
[ ac.guitar ]
What I mean is write to me...
Write me a picture of your love