It was a misty morning on the north shore And I had just woke up from a terrifying nightmare Sweating and shivering and my head full of questions I had been running through a weird dream and nothing was like it seemed Future dreams walk on bye They´re pouring over me I wonder why I got out of bed with a strange feeling in my mind I saw an obscure face in my dream that I knew I´d seen before Then like a sudden stroke of lightning I remembered the magicians face but in another time and another place Future dreams walk on bye They´re pouring over me I wonder why Future dreams a pain in my soul Please come thru´my distant dream I had to clear my mind so I ran from the house I was heading . . . . And when I got there I thought that the future was gleaming , like a dim light And while I walked in the shallow water With my pale and fading memories , I suddenly stopped What was it the necromancer said that night In his castle beyond imagination When he turned his magical cards And looked on me with his old , but clear blue eyes Future dreams walk on bye They´re pouring over me I wonder why Future dreams a pain in my soul Please come thru´my distant dream To be or not to be that is the question Yes but to be what , when or who is my question But I never get any answers Wherever I ask or whoever I asking The life is a dissapointment and a big deccit It´s full of broken promises Future dreams walk on bye They´re pouring over me I wonder why Future dreams a pain in my soul Please come thru´my distant dream