Shadow Shadow There’s a shadow following me Shadow Shadow He is my past, my present and my future He is my conscience and holds all my thoughts He knows where I'm going before I have a clue He is my guiding light, my one and only truth There’s a shadow in the corner He’s sitting there looking at me He’s hanging over my shoulder Though I can only sense and cannot see My one and only truth Coincidences, circumstances Random or pre-ordained, who really knows? Instinctive or considered, Impulsive or contemplative Is it kismet or is it the luck of the draw? There’s a shadow in the corner He’s sitting there looking at me He’s hanging over my shoulder Though I can only sense and cannot see There’s something behind me I can’t quite make it out Shadow Shadow There’s a shadow following me Shadow Shadow There’s a shadow following me There’s a shadow in the corner He’s sitting there looking at me He’s hanging over my shoulder Though I can only sense, I cannot see There’s a shadow in the corner He’s sitting there looking at me He’s hanging over my shoulder Though I can only sense, I cannot see My only truth