Gae Bolga

Mambo Nr.666

Gae Bolga

Drinking beer all night long
Metal pub closed - we are gone
Walking in the midnight streets
Looking for some dirty deeds
Fuckin' Metal on the road, peace in town is done! UH!

Cans of beer in our hands
Entering the disco-lands
Urgeing for some raging Hell
To kill Johnnies with our Metal spell
The aim is set, we'll clean that place of dance! UH!

BeerDrinker slays the doorkeeper
Jootie kills the barkeeper
They both rape a discowhore
While Grim drinks beer, wants more 'n' more
We all fart our Auschwitz-farts
Chainsawed flying bodyparts!

Finally this damn place is ours
On the tables no more stinkin' flowers
Heavy Metal Thunder plays on ten
On the dancefloor only banging men
Booze flows for hours and hours and hours and hou-eeeeeeerz!

The place is thrashed, no more beer
So what's the use of still stayin' here?
We walk to the door, we slip on the blood
Alcoholic overkill in the face of god
Off to the next wormhole, to show our Heavy Thrashin' Metal gear!