Why do villains Always live in houses Built by modernist masters? Why does Hollywood Insist on destroying The city by numbers By natural disasters? An elemental earthquake A furnace of a fire A rippling rainstorm Nuclear bombs or martians from the future A dithering police force A mutant sprung from a cage A giant half man horse A frustrated actor on a spitball rampage! Are you nostalgic for a time When you could put a face to ev’ry crime And the violence was as wholesome As it was imaginative, baby? How would you feel If we moved into The house where they shot Pulp Fiction? We’d put the nursery Where Uma OD’d A reminder of greed Of the dangers of Heroin addiction A cantilevered beachhouse With clerestory windows An open air sleeping porch Frank Lloyd Wright built a whole lo'a bungalows! Rudy Schindler and Neutra They had a great big falling out Two great architects Let me tell what that was all about Is something absent in design Where the heart is mastered by the line And all you’ve got is the reflection Of what’s on the outside, impure? Say, all these houses look the same The uniform of steel in ev’ry frame You could think about a lot of things Waiting for the concrete to cure I’ve been thinking a lot About action movies of the 1980’s Particularly Die Hard Which seems to illustrate So many of the anxieties Japanese capital The waning of the Cold War Pride in a downtown What did they build it for? Risen from the ashes Of a once great neighborhood All the ghosts of Bunker Hill Who needs history Was history ever any good? Are you nostalgic for a time When art + commerce toed the line When entertainment had an easy smile As it looked upon you, too? Back then Bruce Willis had some hair He smoked in airports, no one cared And in the end, Alan Rickman Fell out of a window, boo hoo Are you nostalgic for a time When you could put a face to ev’ry crime And the violence was as wholesome As it was imaginative, baby?