Every once in a while, gotta use my superpowers, Even though saving the world outta style, It ain't my fault all this bad stuff is happening but now its time i put my foot on down aaaawwww baby, my love don't seem the same no no They save love's all you need To heal the world, plus a trillion billion dollars have you heard There's president bush, Santa Claus and Green Goblin Saddam Hussein, Spiderman, And Bin lLden Britney Spears, Jesus, and the whole cast of friends met for brunch last week to solve the world's problems well they called on me aaaaww baby my love don't seem the same Well if they called on my name don't you know i'd do it shine my signal over Gotham, I'll be true It is my distinct pleasure to come down from my grass get off of my front porch and save all your asses and in the nick of time too awww baby my love don't seem the same Well change has come over me, my muscle's growin so i freestyle my ass 'cross the USA Solve the economy the homeless problems, save what's left of the environment create jobs for everybody doin somethin that they wanna be doin Yeah, well if you can't do smack then you better do something cause this is the time when you so can't do nothin well that mean's you, and you and you and you and me too aaaaww baby Then I'd fly overseas and set all the slaves free, from prostitution, sweat shops, child labor, solve the myriad of problems in the middle east make a sun powered car, we won't have to fight for oil fees And i'll take all the troops back, from where ever they roam, and where ever they fightin, and whatever side they're on and i'll send them on the first flight home to their mom's we could make coffee tables out of all these bombs and save the whales, and the pigmee marmasetts too. aaawww baby well it seems kinda hard but it really ain't nothin, all you gotta do is get bit by a spider or somethin, we could change the world in a week or a day and if you got problems man i'll sweep them away, if you find yourself in a world full of trouble, just call on G. Love, the superhero brother and, i'll be there yeah i'll be there huh i'll be there mmhhmm i'll be there aaaawww baby my love don't seem the same no no no