Showing lack of reverence For religious deity Create religious violence Intense and ruthless acts For moral obligation To wage aggressive war All who plan to annihilate Those insulting god Future is uncertain Threats of war World wide peace Nothing more All for beliefs In false divinity Murder of the innocent By global terrorism Showing lack of reverence For religious deity Create religious violence intense and ruthless act For moral obligation to wage aggressive war All who plan to annihilate Those insulting god Killing for total salvation Causing obliteration Holy hypocrites Seek peace, but blood is shed Hatred and intolerance will cause this world to fall People who claim God As their holy savior Wishing death On those who conceive Obliteration Obliteration Bloodshed is inspiration To destroy multiple nations Eliminate unmercifully Those as seen as blasphemy Causing obliteration, killing for Total salvation Bloodshed becomes inspiration Killing for total salvation Destroying multiple nations Causing obliteration