Tom: A Very first riff before verse |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| |7---7--6---6---| |7-7----6-6-----| |5------4-------| Verse 1 |----------------------------| |----------------------------| |-------------------22-------| |-222330022233322233--222333-| |----------------------------| |----------------------------| Fill Between Verse 1 and 2 |---------------| |---------------| |---------------| |--4-3----------| |5-2-1-3--5-4-3-| |3-----1--3-2-1-| Verse 2 listen hard to hear that this is correct. |-----------------0--| |-----------------0--| |----------------(0)-| |--4-3---------------| |5-2-1-3--5-4-3------| |3-----1--3-2-1------| Chorus: the 2nd set of '2' notes is very fast to hear, on the 2nd chorus it's easier though to hear. |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |2222000022333333-| |-----------------| |-----------------| Extreme Palm Mute for fill between chosuses |-------------| |-------------| |____---------| |.---\-_____--| |3-.-.-.-.-.\-| |--2-1-3-2-1--| Then it plays the chorus again before this a fill before the final verse. |--------| |--------| |--------| |--------| |6-8-7-4-| |4-6-5-2-| Verse 3 [the final verse] has the same riff from verse 2.