A country divided by the religion and hate. The conflict among the two segments begins. The first world had direct interest in the war. Cause the wealth had to be dominated. Conflicts of War!!! Devastation Conflicts of War!!! Deflagration The conflict left more Than a million deaths Among civilians and militaries The double of mutilated - war razed fields Destroyed whole cities Provoked irreversible damages to the country Everything in vain Because the war always hangs The war For the survival Becoming alive Every day The soldiers get ready for final battle Kill'em All the enemies Even if they're just innocent I'm in the front attack line The sky is covered with ashes The ground is covered with blood Piles of bodies I'm in the front attack line Destroy the enemies Front Attack Line!!! Annihilate the enemies Front Attack Line!!! Kill the enemies Front Attack Line!!! Muthafucka enemies Front Attack Line!!! Division among nations increases every day The people need to wake up for reality The war should be against the authoritarianism Against the individualism, against the ignorance Conflicts of War!!! Devastation Conflicts of War!!! Deflagration