Sour is the taste on my tongue Heavy the sum of treasons Enormous the price to pay Profound the feel of despair Days break under the same sun Life streams and finds me still Night fall not to surface again What matters remains unseen Far away from the drowning Far away from the greed Far away from the dreams of glory I redefined me My turn even when life bites hard Grounded serene and deeper Sunder ?beween? and limb Radient, ?rattled? and distant Help me forget Tell me I'm not done yet Help me erase And start another phase Help me forget Tell me I'm not done yet Help me erase And start another phase Maybe next time The shift of paradigm Will help me find The reason and the rhyme Maybe next time I can touch the sublime Maybe next time I'll find ?a circle? Help me forget Tell me I'm not done yet Help me erase And start another phase Help me forget Tell me I'm not done yet Help me erase And start another phase