God once loved a woman Her features soft and german And one day after sermon God followed her home across the George Washington Where her blouse caught the sun and her eyes lit up Like she recognized someone her son ran passed the window He reached through the thin smoke and touched the yellow glass Through the cold burning past Now all the boneyards tremble with her name He felt her in him growing He wanted her to know him So when it started snowing God spoke to her from The path train platform The ground it shook rats ran in swarms And scratched and clawed and through the fog there rose a form He said you are the most beautiful thing that I made And he watched her face twist and melt towards the shade Now all the boneyards tremble with her name Something’s there you don’t care its unfair It’s a drain still clogged up with her hair Don’t you get the concept you ain’t slept It’s a dorm where her things were once kept