Bending over for the social whip Polish the facade in my pseudo relationship Did I forget to pay for the gas? Built my entire life on kissing ass Oh Jesus, how the lawn has grown We don´t want any damn refugees here, got problems of our own Our neighbourhood has to be "pure" Would you like to live next door to some walking ordure? Am I being successful enough for you, Dad? Can´t take it anymore… Promise to fullfill the dreams that you´ve had Can´t take it anymore… Busting my ass ´til it´s making me sick Can´t take it anymore… Middle class panic, middle class panic Working like a slave to belong Waxing our new Volvo all weekend long The kids fight about their Baywatch pants And Mrs Middle Class wants new breast implants Be a good Nazi and do as I say Can´t take it anymore… Big Daddy is watching, you can´t get away Can´t take it anymore… Unburden my mind to a local whore Can´t take it anymore… Die of a heart attack at 34 Microwave owens and cabel-tv Can´t take it anymore… Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee Can´t take it anymore… Rikki or Ophra or some sleazy soap? Can´t take it anymore… Cover up my teen ager´s interest in dope Can´t take it anymore… My neighboor is messing around with my wife A delicate little twist… While I´m being fucked by suburban life I solve it with my fist… But, gee, deep inside I love this mess The Bold and Beautiful… And after all, our barbecue-party was a huge success Wallow around in bull…