They found her body in the water Floating face down in the river The one who found her called the doctor Or so they say Not a scratch, she wasn't bleeding Sixteen years old, died a virgin Unlucky lover, she did herself in Or so they say Rescue Annie from the river With every kiss she is delivered From the depths and we forgive her For falling in They say the doctor could have saved her If he'd come a little sooner It broke his heart to know he'd lost her To the world And though he couldn't rescue Annie He resolved to tell her story He used her face to make a body To teach the world Rescue Annie from the river With every kiss she is delivered From the depths and we forgive her For falling in In darkened storage rooms of hospitals Across the world she waits For the missing kiss that damned her to her fate Annie sinks down to the bottom The one who spurned her is forgotten While she is cherished by a million pairs of lips Rescue Annie from the river Help her breathe, try to forgive her Press her chest, always remember That in her heart we find our harbour And every year, come early summer He lingers down there by the river Rescue Annie from the river In life, her lonely lips were never Loved; in death, caressed forever We all fell in