Big Bang Day one is born I`m coming through God at the table Science by the table What will it be? A war... ...ending in decay never knowing how it became my life ending in turmoil leaving a trace from my finger passed on for generations twisted but still whole it is pumping in my veins a reflection a reflection - within my pain Not knowing how it was like this Withholding the conerstones of life It has been left inside me You tell me that I alone am the one The one who matches the past A past that should be in my skin The more I kow... The more I see... Time is ending, no more control The root of the past is now done You found the traces of the past A tree showing how it was done Murder... Betrayer... I`m the one who carries the past He was the root of the past An ancestor who has made the ground That I now stand on A life that should reflect in me It was said in the books that I`m the one Traces all through my body I see the ancestor in me It has been part of many troops Troops roaming the globe Preparing to see my destiny Reaped as we are sown I am - the spawn of history I am - the traces of the past I have - been constructed I have - your blood in my veins Traces of the past