An empty face In the middle of the crowd I can't even express the desire to die A lifetime without joy, love, fear, anger or passion I would like just one day that a tear runs down my cheek Do you cry when somebody dies? Do you laughed when someone makes a joke? Do you love your family? Do you hate someone who hurts you? Are you afraid when you're alone? Are you in spite when someone deceived you? All those little things you don't even notice Are things that I would never know A Lifetime in front of empty thoughts Thinking of this or that, A pure and devoid vision of the world Every Heartbeat is a new step to deliverance Emotions are why we're human So if I'm not human, what am I? Trapped in a body with no soul What is Existence if I can't Love Waiting a slow Death, who will comes without any Tears or Pain A reversed reality reflected in my eyes