
Fucked Stabbed and Eaten


Plane downed and crashed 
no other survivers left 
preppy sluts - now trapped in the amazon 
unable to take - care of themselves 
run around the brush like idiots 
their lostttt 
in the jungle 
aloneeeee, hunted by cannibals 

they can't see - the signals 
natives surround them in the darkness 
stalking / preying / they will / EAT THEM 
the girls are all caught - crying 
the tribals are star-ting to - fuck them 
fucked stabbed than consumed - by natives 
they start cutting into their soft pale white flesh 
their still alive and screaming 
poke reddish used cunt a delicacy 
before they start to hack into their abused genitals 
ripping out bowels and intestines 
boiled alive 

body sliced open organs taken out but yet you breathe 
gnawing on sliced tits their eating before your face 
cut loose the upper body grilling the torso 
left - on the forrest floor human- remnants 
litered with a dozen of chewed up hu-man beings 
nobody ever heard from anybody 
what happened to the cheerleader team 
natives smile and walk away singing 
with full stomachs they will go sleeping