Long years have gone by Years of slavery and shame Until the time torise up and fight To claim freedom for my land, came! Epirus shall be no more under the yoke Of the Ottoman invaders and their foul hordes! I am s son of a Byzantine empire Hellenic is the blood that pumps in my heart! Black is the eagle that flies on my flag Porphyry skies surrounding ebon wings Men hoist high the battle standart of the Empire Freedom is word we sing across the land! Mongrels of the Sultan Goaded here for blood You shall know me by name And shiver when I come In Christendom the princes Call me lord Kastriotis And to the Muslims I am known As Iskender Bey the fierce! Black is the eagle that flies on my flag Porphyry skies surrounding ebon wings Men hoist high the battle standart of the Empire Freedom is word we sing across the land! Betrayed by the west And left alone to fight I held the line of defense With but a handful of men! Our swords shall mark The dawn of victory Or a hero's grave Wherein we'll rest For all eternity – just like our kin Descended from Hercules Returning with our shield Or as corpses dorne upon it!