Horned trolls and mystical folk Within the deep woods of twilight Ethereal misty fingers entwine Crooked boughs and mossy roots Smell of the rain soaked ground Yet hark! What be this sound Coming from afar? Haunting tunes, the fairy song They join in rings to dance Plucking fiddles hewn of oak Dwell in a citadel of fog Horned trolls and mystical folk! These horned trolls and mystical folk! They dwell in the brooks They dwell on the trees! They live under rock, They live by the sea! Astride frogs and dragon flies They travel far and wide Mortal dreamers they invite To their realm of ever light! Perchance in thy strangest dreams You glimpse fairies sound asleep, There by the creek, Yet deeper still They join in rings to dance Plucking fiddles hewn of oak Dwell in a citadel of fog Horned trolls and mystical folk! These horned trolls and mystical folk! They bless the land They bless the field, They whistle to me They whistle to you They whistle to the moon!