Stand fast; their hordes are come! Bound to the dragon by oath of blood Sword unsheathed, forth rode the prince To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea! The land beyond the forest Where rusalky and domovye lurk Is held under the spell Of Vlad's sovereign stare... Stand fast; their hordes are come! Bound to the dragon by oath of blood Sword unsheathed, forth rode the prince To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea! Vampiric dusk now bleeds the sky And the virgin dawn aghast will find The boyar traitors impaled on a spike In the shadow of Targoviste's spires... Broadswords of scimitars The wild music of steel on steel Yet Targoviste falls; alas! 60000 dogs prowl the land A curse on Corvinus, the sultan and Radu Who thought that prison walls could keep a hero bound In 1476 Wallachia welcomed backed her son Placing on his shoulders the royal mantle of black legacy! Stand fast; their hordes are come! Bound to the dragon by oath of blood Sword unsheathed, forth rode the prince To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea! Stand fast; their hordes are come! Bound to the dragon by oath of blood Sword unsheathed, forth rode the prince To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea!