daddy was a great captain commander chief general and a flykkiller kkiller killer never left a bridge before midnight but what do i know about me with my bike the crew would put on their brave faces 3 monkeys blind, deaf and senseless and you... where did you get that scrratch climbing trees? flykkiller never left a bridge before flykkiller where did you get that scratch climbing high trees climbing caste, your cast is later 4x4 leather seats and a blonde on my arm although, i miss the air after rain in my spacecraft now as i cruise the sought of the future makes me feel insecure makes me feel uncertain theres very few things we belive would never change the way you put your face to the sun flykkiller never left the bridge before flykkiller i keep my left hand on my private emergency button i could have myself locked up and safe safe and secure come back, 4x4 disperse and cruise again flykkiller never left the bridge before flykkiller